Student Council
The Student Council representatives are elected at the start of each new school year by each class. Pupils can put themselves forward for election and must make a case to their class for why they should be elected. There is a representative from each class from 1st Class to 4th Class. There are two 5th Class representatives; and two 6th Class representatives who are also the Student Council Co Presidents- a girl and a boy. The Student Council meets regularly with the Principal. Some of the activities the Student Council are involved in include:
talking to their classes to bring suggestions, issues etc. to each meeting for discussion
input into school policies
collaborative problem solving
feeding back information from meetings to their classes
taking charge of their own initiatives eg. specific projects such as the recent Buddy Bench fundraiser
representing the school
acting as the representative voice for the student body
The current Student Council members are listed below:
Matthew (Co President/ 6th Class)
Alice (Co President/ 6th Class)
Ivor & Katie (5th Class)
Harley & Lily (4th Class)
Aoife & Jacob (3rd Class)
Luc & Holly (2nd Class)
Evan & Lottie (1st Class)